Attention spoilers: The dog sofa will become the new favorite place of your four-legged friend.
You read through tips and tricks about buying a sofa on this page and marched off with a lot of knowledge to finally buy your favorite sofa. After a few days it was delivered and the final assembly was a breeze for you. The grin won’t leave your face, so much you are looking forward to the first TV evening with your better half on the new couch…
Blissfully you sit down on the new sofa and let your thoughts run free. You lovingly stroke the beautiful light gray fabric… and bang: your best friend the four-legged friend jumps on the sofa, lays down next to you and feels immediately pudelwohl. He has probably read your thoughts wrong: with better half was not meant he…

The own sofa for the four-legged friend
You don’t want to permanently share your sofa with your dog when watching TV? That’s absolutely understandable, because claws and hair put a strain on your couch in the long run.
How about just buying the pelt-nose her own little doggy sofa? Just for her alone. On which she can do whatever she wants: sleep, relax or watch the goings-on in the house. Just as you make yourself comfortable on your sofa, your dog will also love his sofa.
Unlike the classic dog basket or pillow, the dog sofa has no contact with the ground, because it stands on feet. This not only provides a better view, but also allows the air to circulate better and reduces odors.
Now let’s go into a little detail and clarify what to look for when buying a dog sofa. Here we go:
What size should be the dog sofa?
The dog sofa should be so big that your pet has enough space in it. This means that it can lie in length with paws outstretched. Just hold a folding rule to your lying dog and measure how long it is from front to back.
Dimensions of the lying surface specified. And it depends on the inner dimensions. Bello (alternatively Luna, Balu or Charly) should not lie on the armrests of the sofa, but comfortably between them.
But the external dimensions of the sofa are also important. Before buying, check if you have enough space for a dog sofa. The rule of thumb “big dog – big sofa, small dog – small sofa” can be applied here. A small Chihuahua will not find a huge sofa cozy, and a Labrador will not be able to stretch out properly on a sofa that is too small.
By the way, on the market there are significantly more sofas for small dogs than for large.
The height of the sofa is also important: a small dog or an animal with joint problems (arthrosis) cannot permanently jump onto a lying surface that is too high.
What materials are available for selection?
If you are lucky, the dog sofa will become the favorite place of your four-legged friend, which he will often visit. You should pay attention to the materials used. Are they free of chemicals? Especially with the many articles that are produced in the Far East, more precisely in China, it is often not possible to determine exactly which materials have been used.
Therefore, look for seals of quality from the manufacturer. The top covers should also be removable and washable. The materials should also be scratch-resistant, waterproof and non-slip.
The material of the lying surface
Dogs like to snuggle into thick cushions and soft pillows. Therefore, choose a soft but dimensionally stable surface that supports the spine and prevents pressure points.
Even dogs eventually reach a senior age. An orthopedic aid in the form of memory foam does the joints of the animal good. The lying surface adapts to the shape of the body, takes pressure off the joints and provides support.
Well suited: Imitation leather
Imitation leather is very durable and therefore well suited. It is often scratch-resistant and easy to clean. Dirt is quickly removed with a damp cloth. Unpleasant odors do not arise as quickly.
Conditionally suitable: Fabric and plush
For dogs, surfaces made of fabric and plush are not particularly suitable. The claws of the paws get caught quite quickly in the fabric. Especially when the surface already has some signs of wear. Another reason against fabric and plush is the susceptibility to dirt. Hair and other particles get permanently caught in the material and eventually start to smell.
If you still decide to buy a dog sofa with a textile surface, make sure that the covers can be easily removed and washed. The abrasion resistance of fabric surfaces should not be neglected. This is specified in abrasion cycles and should be at least 100,000 tours.
Rather unsuitable: Leather
You should rather do without real leather. Your dog’s claws will put a lot of permanent wear on it. Over time, the high-quality cover will certainly become an unsightly leather rag.
The dog blanket – additional protection of the surface
With a dog blanket you additionally protect the sofa and ensure less wear. Especially if you can’t take the covers off and wash them, it’s a good investment. Just take the blanket off the couch, beat it outside a few times and put it in the washing machine. Make sure to cordon off the dog couch generously with flutter tape to keep your little rascal away from the site.
The material of the frame
The body can also be made of different fabrics:
Often the frame of a dog sofa is made of wood. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as it is not tropical wood. Look for certified wood from sustainable forestry. The FSC seal is a good indicator here.
Rattan and polyrattan
Rattan is the product from the trunk of the rattan palm. With the help of steam it becomes pliable. From it can be made woven furniture. Alternatively, the artificially produced variant polyrattan is in use.
If you’re into wicker furniture, you can’t go wrong with either of these materials.
Dog sofas with a frame made of metal, you can find less often. At least, if you want the classic shape of a sofa. Most “sofas” with metal frame then resemble more a bed.
It should be chic – the look is also important
A dog sofa, in addition to all the benefits for your dog, should also look chic. In addition to the classic variants, there are also the real eye-catchers. How about a Chesterfield dog sofa, for example?
- Zargenrahmen aus Holz
- Samtbezug
- Ideal für kleinere Hunderassen
For sure you will find the right dog sofa for every taste. Baroque sofa to designer sofa – among the countless variants will also be one that fits your interior style.
The correct location of the dog sofa
A dog loves company and likes to be in the middle of things. However, he also needs his time out and the opportunity to withdraw. Especially older animals and puppies spend a lot of time in the cuddly place.
For these reasons, you should place the dog sofa in a busy room, but slightly out of the way of foot traffic facing the door.
When choosing a location, also make sure that the sofa does not heat up in summer due to direct sunlight. Imitation leather in particular can get very hot. So choose a location without direct sunlight. Drafts should also be avoided.
Quick care tips
- Clean the dog sofa with a damp cloth and / or brush.
- Wash the removable cover in the washing machine at least 30 degrees.
- If you get to the filling by zipper, then knock it out from time to time.
How much does a dog sofa cost?
For a dog sofa you can spend different sums. The cheapest sofas are around 50 EUR. For the most expensive ones, you can spend well over 1,000 EUR.
Examples and bestsellers
The selection of dog sofas has become large and confusing. We show you here some examples in different price ranges.
- Bezug in Lederoptik
- extrem strapazierfähig
- Füße in Chromoptik
- Stabile Holzrahmenkonstruktion
- Extradickes Kissen
- Kissen ist abziehbar und waschbar
- Robustes Gestell aus Holz
- Bequeme Sitzfläche aus Schaumstoff mit Kunstleder
- Sehr Pflegeleicht
- Handgearbeitete Weide
- Wendeliegekissen bei 30°C waschbar
- Verschiedene Größen
Last updated on 2025-03-29 at 00:01. The stated price may have increased since the last update. The actual price of the product as it stood on the seller's website at the time of purchase is decisive for the sale. Real-time updating of the above prices is not technically possible. * = Affiliate links. Images from Amazon PA-API.