It may happen that a sofa is bought just to look good. But usually you will want to use your sofa. Therefore, the seating comfort, especially the seat depth and the seat height, plays a crucial role.
Firm or soft padding?
Today’s modern sofas can be roughly divided into two groups if you consider the type of seating comfort. Which one you choose is up to your personal sense of comfort.
The firm padding makes it easier to stand up
From the era of spring upholstery comes this classic type of upholstery. When sitting on the sofa you do not sink in, or hardly. The upholstery fabric lies tightly stretched, firm and almost wrinkle-free on the surface. This creates a perfectly smooth, even look.
Due to the higher tension of the fabric, the cover is exposed to particular wear. Therefore, when buying tightly upholstered sofas, you should pay special attention to sufficient abrasion resistance of the cover material.
Firmly upholstered sofas make it easier to get up and are therefore particularly suitable for older people or those with back problems. But many other people also find the somewhat harder seating comfort particularly pleasant.
The soft upholstery for particularly relaxed sitting
This pole start in recent years has become increasingly popular. Many people today appreciate sofas into which you easily sink when sitting down. The soft upholstery material, often foam fluff or down, nestles elastically against the body and thus supports the muscles – ideal for particularly relaxed sitting and lying.
To ensure the necessary flexibility of the surface, the cover is not stretched tightly, but loosely laid over the surface. With casually upholstered furniture, the formation of waves, wrinkles and seat hollows is therefore normal.
So that even sofas with softer upholstery is not too difficult to get up, the front edges of the seats are often given a slightly firmer support.
Which upholstery material is better:
Spring core or foam padding?
In the past, spring core upholstery was considered to be of particularly high quality. Today, foam upholstery is so sophisticated that it can be considered at least equal in principle. In other words, both types of upholstery can be very comfortable and of high quality. However, both types of upholstery can also leave something to be desired. Everything depends on the specific design.
You should stay away from sofas that have obvious defects when you try them out, such as noticeable individual springs.
For foam upholstery, you should ask about the quality of the foam used. Are there noticeable differences in the firmness of the foam upholstery within the seat or backrest? This can be intentional and serve the seating comfort if, for example, the rear area of the seat is softer than the front edge.
However, the differences can also be due to unintentional deviations in foam density. Therefore, ask and let the seller explain the cushion construction to you!
The anatomical seat profile

In addition to the upholstery, it is above all the anatomically correct seat profile that determines the comfort of a sofa. The following list shows you which aspects are particularly important here.
The seat height of a sofa
The seat height of classic upholstered furniture is between 43 and 45 cm. However, it depends on the seat depth of upholstered furniture. As a rule, the lower the sofa, the greater the seat depth.
The depth of the seat of a sofa
The seat depth of classic upholstered furniture is between 52 and 55 cm. However, it depends on the seat height: the greater the seat depth, the lower the sofa!
- Wohnfläche ca. 290 cm x 85 cm x 182 cm B x H x T
- Vintage Look
- Links oder rechts wählbar
The seat width
n order to allow necessary posture changes while sitting and not to sit like chickens on a roost, the seat width per seat should not be less than 55 cm. As a guideline, you can assume 60 cm per seat. The sum of the seat widths and the width of the armrests gives the total length of the sofa.
The back height
The higher the backrest, the more relaxation it offers our back and neck muscles. So-called high-back chairs, whose backrest extends above the sitter’s head, are therefore the most comfortable. However, they are not particularly suitable for “lounging”. High-back sofas have a rather steep seat angle. Low-back sofas may also have a slightly flatter seat angle. The backrest of a sofa is usually between 39 cm and 45 cm. A lower backrest is more suitable for lying down, a high one is more suitable for sitting upright.
The seat angle
The angle between the seat and backrest should be 108 to 115 degrees. Again, how you plan to use your sofa is critical. For a lounge sofa, the angle is less steep, which means the backrest is more inclined than for a “sitting sofa”.
Sitting or relaxing?
Choose the right seat depth for your sofa!
The above data and dimensions will give you a useful orientation when buying a sofa. However, today there are also a lot of sofas with significantly greater seat depth. The reason for this is that many people do not want to sit on a sofa the way they do on an armchair or a chair, for example. That is, in the classic sitting posture, with both feet touching the floor and the upper body forming a slightly obtuse angle with the thighs.
Many prefer to put their legs on the sofa, lean sideways or pull their legs to the body. Everyone has their personal favorite relaxing position. Modern sofas are therefore often offered with an extra high seat depth and/or in a corner shape. For relaxing, lounging or taking a nap, such sofas offer better possibilities than the classic sofa seat.
What is the right sofa for you depends on how you want to use it. A possible compromise offer sofas with adjustment functions. They will meet most needs. You can sit normally or relax. Inform yourself in furniture stores about the various functions of sofas that make it possible to use one and the same sofa very differently.
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Last updated on 2025-02-11 at 01:37. The stated price may have increased since the last update. The actual price of the product as it stood on the seller's website at the time of purchase is decisive for the sale. Real-time updating of the above prices is not technically possible. * = Affiliate links. Images from Amazon PA-API.